Borneo Convention Centre
Khatulistiwa Cafe & Restaurant Jln TAR
Panoramic view of Jln TAR, view from Kpg Boyan
To reach Kpg Bintawa, across river
Terminal One Garden
The Holiday Inn, view taken from Kpg Boyan
The Riverbanks Suite
Villages or Kampungs
The Barok, Kpg Boyan
Zecon's Toll Office



The TYT's Astana from afar

Malay Houses along river banks

Main Bazaar Road

Hotels along Jln TAR

A typical Malay kampung

A Stall along the KG Waterfront
Comment by MF
MF, LJ & adMF went driving around in our Kancil after 12 noon to take these pictures. Never thought that Kuching would look so beautiful in pictures, though taken through a cellphone camera. I told LJ, " we must do this more often" and we intend to take more pictures next time around. I may buy myself a better set of equipment so I can take better, clearer pictures than these pictures you saw.
If you have pictures that you want to share with us, please e-mail it to my add. Its
Cheerio, folks.
Have a productive week to you guys.
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