Today is Sarawak Dayak National Union (SDNU) Gawai Commitees’ 2nd Meeting! This year’s celebration is headed by Dr. Dusit as Chairman and I was appointed as his Vice-Chairman for the Event of the Year.
We finished today’s meeting well after 9pm and our brother, Anthony Banyan AKA Apai Enduq graciously offered to treat us to some fried noodles and beer at a coffee shop nearby the SDNU’s Office at Queen Court, Simpang Tiga!
Actually, they were quite a number of us in the Gawai Committee but the rest was too tired to join us for some drinks.
The date set for the Event is 15th of May and the Dinner Tickets are on sale now starting with a table for sale from RM350 to RM500.
The chosen center for the Event is the Christian Ecumenical Center, Iris Garden 2 1/2 Mile.
All in all we are targeting to sell about 100 tables.
The “highlights” of the evening will be the crowning of Kumang Gawai 2010!
There is a revision of cash prizes during this meeting and there are handsome trophies to be won.
It should be very enticing to the young ladies out there to give it a try. C’mon lass, show us how an Iban maiden should look like.
Please use our traditional costumes & those ornamental pieces when joining the competition.
I suggest to those interested in taking part to contact our SDNU Headquarters for more details or you can also contact me if you need my assistance.
To those that are unable to join us, you can watch it entirely on a DVD disc. I don’t know how much per disc, but I think it won’t be more than RM25 at the most?
So folks, hurry up and don’t waste your time because once the Dinner Tickets is sold out, there is nothing much we can do because the space to put up more tables and chairs are so limited.
I’ll share more information about this coming Event when I get my hand on more news about it.
I hope this is informative enough for now.

Below are some of the pictures of the Kota Samarahan's heavy traffic especially the Friday rush to reach home.
It’s usually like this scene when on a Friday evening along the Kota Samarahan’s outer ring road.
The traffic slows down when motorists from Kuching head home to their respective areas.
Some go back to Asajaya and others as far away as Sadong Jaya either using a ferry service or by road passing through the UiTM but a bit further because you have to go the other way round to get to this destination.
Hopefully, once the newly constructed roads are ready, we won’t see anymore jam around here.
If not for the jam, it’s only a 40 minutes’ drive to Kuching City area, and 20 minutes to BDC Housing estate.
It’s a dual carriage way so it will be smooth driving going back home from work.
This is our 5th year staying in Kota Samarahan and I can say the division is steadily and rapidly progressing!
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