(The Author & his mummy)
My mum was admitted for the 2nd time this month. She was warded
for 3 nights last week.
Today, is her 4th night here. My daughter, Stephanie AKA anakdaraMF spent 3 nights and tonight is LadyJenn's turn.
Hopefully, she can get her discharge order by tomorrow.
Please continue to pray for her well-being.
We should have another unit Saga SE on the road by tomorrow? It depends on the E-Hak Milik.

(The Clan were always here during the duration of her stay in Normah MC, Petra Jaya)
Week End Outing: We drove to Penunus, Debak on Sunday morning after 7am. Dr.Dusit and wife made the journey being their first visit to the longhouse.
I must apologise for not taking any pictures, and those taken by our uncle were mostly blurry!
We arrived in Kuching after 10:40pm, its about 3 hours 30 minutes' drive because of the light traffic.
hi, may i know the Normah Medical Specialist Centre consultant system is based on paperwork or computerized?