Today is Nomination Day for Batang Ai N29. Only two candidates after Johnny Chuat decided to "give" PKR his support. We started early from KG at 4am & arriving in LA after 7am. It was already "filled" with people wearing a specific party t-shirt, flags were seen waving from all sides of the town. The people gathered at the mini stadium before the "would-be" candidates enter into a separate office to hand over their Nomination papers, By 12pm, it was announced, and it's a straight-fight betwen Barisan Nasional & PKR, The MB for Selangor was seen there, leaders from Sabah who set up their own HQs on the other side of town, the local VIPS were seen helping one another at the scene. It was peaceful throughout though throwing of challenges at one another can be heard all around the mini stadium even in town.
We headed home after 3pm. And arrived safely after 6:30pm.
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