I guess many especially Gov't Officers have stayed in this neighborhood
called Batu Lintang.
The BLTC or Batu Lintang Teachers' College is located nearby, (at one time used by ITM as their Campus), the SMK & SRB Batu Lintang, the Vocational School, the Fire Department are all part of the community here.
I was born in these parts some 46 years ago, so naturally I have a soft spot when I saw how bad the conditions of these Flats and Quarters these days. I was told most of the housing materials were stripped off by "thieves" after the folks staying here left.
The folks here have all moved out now, and the single-wooden houses have all been demolished, not even a unit is left standing when I took these pictures yesterday.
I can still remember my memorable times living here. Not entirely a blank memory for me.
In the name of continued development for Kuchingites, I guess this neighborhood just got to go ....... though it may cause many of us to shed a tear or two when we reminisce about the good and the bad times living in this neighborhood.
Th footbal field I'm sure produced many footballing "stars" especially amongst the Indian community staying nearby.
Come to think of it, the Batu Lintang Shophouses have been serving the neighborhood needs for more that 46 years? Un-believable folks, but true.
Well readers, "kenangan, cuma tinggal kenangan" especially for all of us who have since then moved out into a newer and a more "canggih" neighborhood.
If you care to look at the pictures again, you will notice those Flats, the Quarters HAVE NO FENCING surrounding them.
Those days, "tak'de pencuri or kecurian." Very few theft cases were reported and recorded then.
The Police Force were almost non-existence back then. No kiddin'you, folks.
Nowadays, NO NEED TO SAY, La! Kasut letak kat "dalam" rumah pun boleh jalan ...
Comment: SD
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