(Picture shows the Welcoming Banner at the Tanahmas Hotel's main entrance)

(The Guest of Honor for the night, YB Dato Seri William Mawan)
13th Mar @ 7pm: The Night and the day we have been waiting for. It is the SDNU’s Installation Night/Dinner at the same time!
I shared table with Dr.Dusit’s lovely children. The Honorable Guest that night was
Dato Seri William Mawan, a local Minister who graciously stayed back till the end of the function.
I must give a big Thank You to the Sibu organizers for a splendid job. It took them two weeks to prepare for this great event.
A fantastic job, fellas.
As for me, a night to remember for a very long time.
A big “Thank You” to Major Moses Ripai, who is the Chairman for the event, ably assisted by the rest of the SDNU’ Sibu branches.
I was touched by YB Dato Seri’s message.
I accepted the challenge put up by the Honorable Dato, and I told him that personally.
And now it is up to the SEC to decide if we are ready to face up to the challenge.
May our Gawai Day feastivities this 2010 be the merriest than the previous years with Dato Seri’s backing!
Thank You Dato.

(Picture shows our SDNU's President Mr. Mengga Mikui giving his speech)

(Sitting L to R: Anthony Jiram, Thony Badak & Stephen Dass.
Standing behind L to R: A friend, Edward Awan Jawa, Anthony Banyan, Joshua Jabeng & Dr.Dusit Jaul)

(Picture shows Anthony Jiram AKA Gerama Engkabang of Ruaikitai.Com & Edward Awan AKA Eawan also of Ruaikitai.Com, along with Mrs Thony Badak & Mrs Anthony sitting close to him)

(Picture of Antu Jukat enjoying this moment dueting with our Iban singer, Stella Philip)

(Picture shows L to R: Mrs.Anthony Jiram & friend, standing behind them Cr.Chambai Ak Lindong & Augustine Merikan, our "veteran" Iban Singer and a local Bank Manager)

(How a Kompia looks like, a piece costs 0.70 sen. Eating it can be addictive, a version of a Foochow "burger" that's what I called it)
14th Mar @ 9am: Had “kompia & fried dumpling” for breakfast at the Medan Café next to the Pahlawan Bus Terminal.
Our BusAsia is 10am. Kompia is a Foochow’s favorite bun with minced pork served in a rounded shape deep-fried bun. If eaten hot, it’s very tasty indeed!
The fried dumpling is much different although it’s also fried. The ingredients made up of thin-slices vegetables & a tiny shrimp all lumped together and deep-fried!
14th Mar @ 9am: Had “kompia & fried dumpling” for breakfast at the Medan Café next to the Pahlawan Bus Terminal.
Our BusAsia is 10am. Kompia is a Foochow’s favorite bun with minced pork served in a rounded shape deep-fried bun. If eaten hot, it’s very tasty indeed!
The fried dumpling is much different although it’s also fried. The ingredients made up of thin-slices vegetables & a tiny shrimp all lumped together and deep-fried!
A piece of kompia costs 0.70 sen and the fried dumpling if you’re buying a minimum of 5 pieces cost RM3.
It’s best when eaten steaming hot. But watch out for the excessive frying oil in it.

(Delicious Fried Dumpling @ RM3 for 5 pieces)

14th Mar: Toyota Prado vs. Proton Saga BLM @ Sebangkoi:- We soon left Sibu after 10am from the Bus Terminal. The Prado overtook us (as if in a great hurry) after the Nyelong Bridge (at Jakar, Sarikei) before it met with an accident in less than 8 minutes. (It happened around 11:40am)
As we passed the scene, I tried my best and managed to take these horrible pictures from inside the Bus, though a bit blurry. But then what can you expect from a cellular phone camera? And mine is a bit outdated?
I hope someone is not badly hurt but I can see blood gushing from an old man’s eye brow (presumably that) as we slowly passed them. One person was seen lying motionless on the side of the road.
Both vehicles were badly damaged from the crash.
At that moment in time, there were already others attending to their needs and some were seen frantically making calls from their cellular phones.
And we finally reached Kuching after 6pm.
Wow! What a week that was. I have never been invited into any organisation before this and naturally I feel proud being given the chance to serve my people, especially the Dayak/Ibans.
Thank You to the Sarawak Dayak National Union’s President Mr. Mengga Mikui and his deputy, Dr.John Brian for the trust, faith and hope they have placed in me.
It’s so sad that SDNU have been viewed as a clandestine organization by certain quarters out to gain some political mileage. Someone must be noticing and thinking of us a big threat to their existing positions.
The Ibans must make their stand known and be united in confronting these nonsensical comment. Let us show our true warrior spirit again and shout out loud the infamous battlecry “ agi idup agi ngelaban” to show we still have what it take to get us back to that glorious days of yester-years!
To our Leaders, I promise to serve to the best of my capacity.
“Idup Iban”
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