(Picture shows the inside of the BusAsia, the one we "hopped" on today)
The 4 of us (Jen & the kids Stephanie, Jared) left Kuching Bus Terminal at 2:00pm today heading to Sibu.
The journey took us more than 7 hours and the Bus were moving steadily in no hurry to get to Sibu. We had a long stop/break at Jelukong, Engkilili before proceeding to Sibu.
By the 7:30pm we were passing a wet & rainy Sarikei. The weather was fine throughout the journey except for that particular moment.
After we arrived, we tried to take down some food at the Medan Cafe next to the Hotel but the food were so difficult to consume, even for the kids. Pity them not getting the real treat.
I always avoid Foochow-style of cooking. Very sad to say, not to my liking & taste. I still say Kuching have better choices when it come to food, glorious food!

(Picture which I took of my wife & I "looking into the future & beyond" ....)
As I look at this picture, I remember a friend of mine who has married & divorced many times. I still have the same feelings for my wife as when we first met some 15-16 years ago after being introduced to one another by a close friend. That time, I just lost someone (she didnt die,) whom I loved dearly but the relationship didn't last as expected.

(Picture shows Uncle Harold's recently resprayed BMW, which he bought from MFSB recently. Nice colour & expensive, too!)
Uncle Harold AKA Pipitmanchal of Ruaikitai.Com sent me this MMS this afternoon. He had the BMW resprayed Blue and what a beauty it turned out to be. Yes uncle, I'll try make that trip to Miri soon and we will be taking it out for a spin around Luak Bay.

(Picture shows Jared posing for the camera inside our Tanahmas Hotel's room)
We checked in at Tanahmas Hotel which is at the centre of town where the shopping complexes are easily accessible. From the Medan Bus Terminal to the Hotel, the cab driver charged us RM12, maybe because its at night.
The Ticket (Bus Fare) using BusAsia to get here (Sibu) is RM40 and half-price for a youngster below 6, if i'm not mistaken.
The Room with a King-sized bed & I asked for an extra bed costs us around RM180 per night. Not too expensive for an average income person like us.

(Picture shows Jared fiddling with the computer. Better to start them early, and kids are fast learners.)
As I said, kids are fast learners. Speaking of computer, during my time in schools there were hardly any around. Yes, I've heard of Apple, IBM and other brand names but I'm not familiar with those "things."
Even a fax machine! Kinda funny as I've to adjust my life or get left behind. I told myself I'm not going to learn and here I'm today and now tapping this laptop to give you this story.
I have to go-off for now folks. I hope you have enjoyed reading this post, all the way from Sibu's Tanahmas Hotel. The wi-fi is free and very fast ...
Getting sleepy, and I've a Meeting to attend in the morning before the SDNU's Installation Night/Dinner tomorrow.
But I'll be back with more news update for all of you.
Yes! We finally registered a Perodua Myvi today belonging to Ms. Nora Grijih, a teacher at Chung Hua School in Miri. I'll try get her to pose besides her car soon, God willing. Thank You to her brother as well, who shared MFSB's vision.
Idup Dayak!
Wish me luck, guys.
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