(Picture showing Roy Azrie & Norsetilla making their way into the hall)

(Roy Azrie, looking his best on his Wedding Day)

(Norsetilla, our ex Utama Motors' staff now with the Customs Department, looking like a Princess on her Wedding Day)

(The author with wife, who were invited to witness this auspicious occasion)

(The author with Utama Motors' Executive Director, Hajah Czarina)

Sun 10/10/2010: We attended the Wedding Reception between Roy Azrie & Norsetilla held at the Crowne Tower, Pending.
So many familiar faces were amongst the guests that night that saw Cultural performances performed by students from a Cultural Institute.
I would like to wish the both of them "Selamat Pengantin Baru, semoga kekal bahagia sampai ke anak cucu."